Course Reflection

Over the course of this class, I have improved and progressed in my reading skills, analytical skills, and writing performance. Apart from the reading and writing comprehension strengths I have acquired from this class, I have also gained proficiency in myself as a whole. Having said that, English 1105 has amplified my studying habits, assistedContinue reading “Course Reflection”

Course Reflection: Cover Letter

Rebecca Kaplan Meng Yu ENG1105 5 December 2021 Course Reflection Over the course of this semester, I learned more than I thought possible about writing, reading, analysis, the process of writing, and my individual process. I’ve always been interested in writing, and other than a few creative differences in classes while in high school thatContinue reading “Course Reflection: Cover Letter”

Rhetorical Analysis: Animal Testing

One of the world’s most controversial topics is the testing of products on animals. The testing performed on animals can include medications, cosmetics, and other commodities. The most common animals brought into the laboratory for testing include guinea pigs, rabbits, and hamsters; other animals such as dogs, cats, cows, and others are tested as well.Continue reading “Rhetorical Analysis: Animal Testing”

The Force Awakens Old Feelings in Viewers

By Luke Scalese A staple to American culture for many years and one of the most beloved movie franchises ever is well known. When Disney announced that they were bringing Star Wars back again to continue the saga, there was a vast divide among consumers as to whether or not it was the right choice.Continue reading “The Force Awakens Old Feelings in Viewers”

Andrew Miller Dr. Yu ENGL 1105 16 November 2021 Legendary Nike Ad             Although not viewed by everyone, due to the construct of Nikes ad campaigns recently, one of the most influential ads Nike has ever put out came out in the last year. “You Can’t Be Stopped”1 a collaborative advertisement between young and upcomingContinue reading

The Three Rhetorical Nurses

Logan Brown Professor Yu First-Year Writing 19 November 2021 The Three Rhetorical Nurses Tough times can either bring people together or tear them apart. In the case of recent history, the coronavirus has torn people apart. Whether it was to stay away from your family to protect them or because you have different beliefs thanContinue reading “The Three Rhetorical Nurses”

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